
Richard Collins
I serve as Director of the Graduate School and am a professor of atmospheric science in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and the Geophysical Institute. My interests include weather and climate and how we understand (or occasionally misunderstand) our atmosphere with different measurement techniques. I work with students making measurements of the Arctic atmosphere at the Lidar Research Laboratory at Poker Flat Research Range in an effort to better understand our local and global environment. I consider myself lucky to be working in Alaska during a time of unprecedented interest in the Arctic environment. Please feel free to contact me at rlcollins@alaska.edu.

Jintai Li
I am an assistant research professor of space in the Geophysical Institute . My interests include the lidar remote sensing and the interactions between meteorology and space weather . I am working with students to develop new lidar systems at the Lidar Research Laboratory at Poker Flat Research Range. I also work with models and observations to understand the role of waves in the regional and global circulation. Please feel free to contact me at jl23@alaska.edu.

Michael Roddewig
I am an assistant professor with appointments in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Geophysical Institute (GI). I am affiliated with the Space Physics and Remote Sensing groups in the GI. I am also the Chief Technology Officer of 532 Engineering, Inc., a lidar startup company. My research interests are in optical oceanography and the development of new lidar and passive optical instruments to solve remote sensing problems. Current work is on the development of frequency-modulated coherent lidar, droneborne water lidar, and upper atmospheric iron lidar. Interested students and potential collaborators are encouraged to contact me at mrroddewig@alaska.edu.

Vishnu Kumar
I am an assistant research professor at the Geophysical Institute. My research interest includes lidar
instrumentation and remote sensing. Previously, I worked in the domain of lidar remote sensing of
atmospheric boundary-layer and aerosols. My experience includes instrumentation and operation of
scanning lidar, polarization lidar, multiwavelength lidar, and Raman lidar systems and analysis of their
datasets. Currently, I am taking part in the development of an Iron resonance lidar system for upper
atmospheric research studies. Interested students and potential collaborators are encouraged to contact me at vrkumar@alaska.edu.
Graduate Students

Satyaki Das
I am a PhD student working with Drs. Collins and Li in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and the Geophysical Institute at UAF. My current research focuses on the meteorology and dynamics of the Arctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere with lidar and radar instruments. Please feel free to contact me at sdas8@alaska.edu if you have any questions about my research or about life in Fairbanks or India.

Md Eyaqub Hossain
I am a Master’s student in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and working with Drs. Roddewig, Li, Collins, and Kumar in the Geophysical Institute at UAF. My research interests include Remote Sensing, Optical Remote Sensing, Space Physics and wireless communication. I am currently focusing on build-up time minimization of injection seeded lasers for the HAARP Lidar Project. I am glad to be involved in Arctic Research. If you have any questions regarding my research, life in Alaska or Bangladesh, please feel free to contact me at mhossain@alaska.edu.
Undergraduate Students
Jack Kendall (Computer Engineering)
Brandon Kallenback (Computer Engineering)
Will Caldwell (Electrical Engineering)
Previous Students
Graduate Students
Rahsha Kerven, MS, 2024
Jennifer Alspach, MS, 2020
Jintai Li, PhD, 2019
Colin C. Triplett, PhD, 2016
Jintai Li, MS, 2016
Vinay Kayetha, PhD, 2015
Cameron M. Martus, MS, 2013
Brita K. Irving, MS, 2012
Brentha Thurairajah, PhD, 2009
Agatha S. Light, MS, 2009
Liguo Su, PhD, 2007
Sharma Nadakuditi, MS, 2005
Jia Yue, MS, 2004
Manasi Peshave, MS, 2004
Weiyuan Wang, MS, 2003
Tao Hou, MS, 2002
Justin Breese, MS, 2001
Laura J. Cutler, MS, 2000
Anirban Chowdhury, MS, 2000
Undergraduate Students
Kylie Lambries, Hannah Abend, Dominic DeLucia, Scotty Gilmore, Mikayla Grunin, Elijah Kagan, Jack Kendall, Toby Kramer, Zach Krehlik, Kylie Lambries, Zachary Marlow, Jason McDonald, Jack Newell, Keith Nowicki, Mark Piedra, Anil Rao, Vikram Rao, Seth Robinson, Chris Seamount, Kate Shaefer, Timothy Stern, Pamela Stewart, Sarah Thomas