UAF student co-authors are highlighted in bold.

  1. R. L. Collins, M. H. Stevens, I. Azeem, M. J. Taylor, M. F. Larsen, B. P. Williams, J. Li, J. H. Alspach, P. ‐D. Pautet, Y. Zhao, and X. Zhu, Cloud formation from a localized water release in the upper mesosphere: Indication of rapid cooling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2019JA027285, doi:10.1029/2019JA027285, 2021.
  2. J. Li, R. Collins, X. Lu, and B. Williams, Lidar observations of instability and estimates of vertical eddy diffusivity induced by gravity wave breaking in the Arctic mesosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033450, doi:10.1029/2020JD033450, 2021.
  3. R. L. A. Mequita, M. F. Larsen, I. Azeem, M. H. Stevens, B. P. Williams, R. L. Collins, and J. Li, In situ observations of neutral shear instability in the statically stable high‐latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere during quiet geomagnetic conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA027972, doi:10.1029/2020JA027972, 2020.
  4. J. Li, B. P. Williams, J. H. Alspach, and R. L. Collins, Sodium Resonance Wind-Temperature Lidar at PFRR: Initial Observations and Performance. Atmosphere,11, doi:10.3390/atmos11010098, 2020.
  5. D. Janches, W. Yu, M. A. Krainak, C. Gardner, B. Kaifler, S. Etemad, D. C. Fritts, S. D. Eckermann, R. L. Collins, E. C. M. Dawkins, R. S. Lieberman, D. R. Marsh, G. Liu. and W. Jarvis, The Atmospheric Coupling and Dynamics Across the Mesopause (ACaDAMe) mission, Advances in Space Research, 64(10), doi:10.1016/j.asr.2019.07.012, 2019.
  6. C. C. Triplett, J. Li, R. L. Collins, G.A. Lehmacher, A. Barjatya, D. C. Fritts, B. Strelnikov, F. -J. Lübken, B. Thurairajah, V. L. Harvey, D. L. Hampton, and R. H. Varney, Observations of reduced turbulence and wave activity in the Arctic middle atmosphere following the January 2015 sudden stratospheric warming, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(23), 13,259—13,276, doi:10.1029/2018JD028788, 2018.
  7. G. A. Lehmacher, M. F. Larsen, R. L. Collins. A. Barjatya, and B. Strelnikov, On the short-term variability of turbulence and temperature in the winter mesosphere, Annales Geophysicae, 36, 1099-1116, doi:10.5194/angeo-36-1099-2018, 2018.
  8. D. C. Fritts, L. Wang, B. Laughman, T. S. Lund and R. L. Collins, Gravity wave dynamics in a mesospheric inversion layer: 2. Instabilities, turbulence, fluxes, and mixing. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123(2), doi: 10.1002/2017JD027442, 2018.
  9. D. C. Fritts, B.   Laughman, L. Wang, T. S. Lund, R. L.   Collins, Gravity wave dynamics in a mesospheric inversion layer: 1. Reflection, trapping, and instability dynamics.   Journal of Geophysical Research, 123(2), 626—648, doi:10.1002/2017JD027440, 2018.
  10. C. C. Triplett, R. L. Collins. K. Nielsen, V. L. Harvey, K. Mizutani, Role of wind filtering and unbalanced flow generation in middle atmosphere gravity wave activity at Chatanika Alaska, Atmosphere, 8(2), doi:10.3390/atmos8020027, 2017.
  11. R. L. Collins, S. P., Warner, C. M. Martus, J. L. Moss, K. Leelasaskultum and R. C. Winnan, Studying the weather and climate of Alaska by distance as a network of observers, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92(12), 2275-2286, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00202.1, 2016.
  12. V. K. Kayetha, and R. L. Collins, Optically thin midlevel ice clouds derived from CALIPSO observations, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10(4), 046007 doi:10.1117/1.JRS.10.046007, 2016.
  13. V. L. Harvey, C. E. Randall, and R. L. Collins, Chemical definition of the mesospheric polar vortex, Journal Geophysical Research, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JD023488, 2015.
  14. J. A. France, V. L. Harvey, C. E. Randall, R. L. Collins, A. K. Smith, E. D. Peck, and X. Fang, A climatology of planetary wave-driven mesospheric inversion layers in the extratropical winter, Journal Geophysical Research, 120, 399—413, doi:10.1002/2014JD022244, 2015.
  15. R. L., Collins, J. Li, and C. M. Martus, First lidar observation of the mesospheric nickel layer, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 665—671, doi:10.1002/2014GL062716, 2015.
  16. B. K. Irving, R. L. Collins, R. S. Lieberman, B. Thurairajah, and K. Mizutani. Mesospheric inversion layers at Chatanika, Alaska (65 °N, 147 °W): Rayleigh lidar observations and analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021838, 2014.
  17. Chandran, A., and R.L. Collins, Stratospheric sudden warming effects on winds and temperature in the middle atmosphere at middle and low latitudes: a study using WACCM,  Annales Geophysicae, 32, 859–874, doi:10.5194/angeo-32-859-2014,  doi:10.5194/angeo-32-859-2014, 2014.
  18. Chandran, A. R. L. Collins, V. L. Harvey, Stratosphere-mesosphere coupling during stratospheric sudden warming events, Advances in Space Research, 53, 1265—1289, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.02.005, 2014.
  19. A. Chandran, R. R. Garcia, R. L. Collins, and L. C. Chang, Secondary planetary waves in the middle and upper atmosphere following the stratospheric sudden warming event of January 2012, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 1861—1867, doi:10.1002/grl.50373, 2013.
  20. A. Chandran, R. L. Collins, R. R. Garcia, D. R. Marsh, V. L. Harvey, J. Yue, and L. de la Torre (2013), A climatology of elevated stratopause events in the whole atmosphere community climate model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1234-1246, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50123, 2013.
  21. T. Yuan, B. Thurairajah, C.-Y. She, A. Chandran, R. L. Collins, and D. A. Krueger, Wind and temperature response of midlatitude mesopause region to the 2009 Sudden Stratospheric Warming, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D09114, doi:10.1029/2011JD017142, 2012.
  22. G. A. Lehmacher, T. D. Scott, M. F. Larsen, S. G. Bilén, C. L. Croskey, J. D. Mitchell, M. Rapp, F.-J. Lübken, and R. L. Collins, The Turbopause experiment: atmospheric stability and turbulent structure spanning the turbopause altitude, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 2327-2339, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-2327-2011, 2011.
  23. R. L., Collins, G. A. Lehmacher, M. F. Larsen, and K. Mizutani, Estimates of vertical eddy diffusivity in the upper mesosphere in the presence of a mesospheric inversion layer, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 2019-2029, doi:10.5194/angeo-29-2019-2011, 2011.
  24. A. Chandran, R. L. Collins, R. R. Garcia, and D. R. Marsh, A case study of an elevated stratopause generated in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L08804, doi:10.1029/2010GL046566, 2011.
  25. R. H. Varney, M. C. Kelley, M. J. Nicolls, C. J. Heinselman, R. L. Collins, The electron density dependence of polar mesospheric summer echoes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 73, 2153-2165, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.07.020, 2011.
  26. D. D., Wheeler, V. L. Harvey, D. E. Atkinson, R. L. Collins, and M. J. Mills, A climatology of cold air outbreaks over North America: WACCM and ERA’40 comparison and analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D12107 doi:10.1029/2011JD015711, 2011.
  27. B. Thurairajah, R. L. Collins, V. L. Harvey, R. S. Liebermann, M. Gerding, K. Mizutani, and J. M. Livingston, Gravity Wave Activity in the Arctic Stratosphere and Mesosphere during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 , D00N06, doi:10.1029/2010JD014125, 2010.
  28. B. Thurairajah, R. L. Collins, V. L. Harvey, R. S. Lieberman, and K. Mizutani, Rayleigh lidar observations of reduced gravity wave activity during the formation of an elevated stratopause in 2004 at Chatanika, Alaska (65 °N, 147 °W), Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D13109, doi:10.1029/2009JD013036, 2010.
  29. M. C. Kelley, M. J. Nicolls, R. H. Varney, R. L. Collins, R. Doe, J.M.C. Plane, J. Thayer, M. Taylor, B. Thurairajah, K. Mizutani, Radar, lidar, and optical observations in the polar summer mesosphere shortly after a space shuttle launch, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, A05304, doi:10.1029/2009JA014938, 2010.
  30. B. Thurairajah, R. L. Collins, and K Mizutani, Multi-year temperature measurements of the middle atmosphere at Chatanika, Alaska (65 °N, 147 °W), Earth Planets Space, 61, 755-764. doi:10.1186/BF03353182, 2009.
  31. R. L. Collins, S. M. Bailey, U. Berger, F.-J. Lübken, A. W. Merkel, Foreword: Special Issue on Global Perspectives on the Aeronomy of the Summer Mesopause Region, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 71, 285-288, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.11.001,  2009.
  32. R. L. Collins, M. J. Taylor, K. Nielsen, K. Mizutani, Y. Murayama, K. Sakanoi, M. T. DeLand, Noctilucent Cloud in the Western Arctic in 2005: Simultaneous Lidar and Camera Observations and Analysis, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 71, 446-452, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.09.044,  2009.
  33. M. J. Taylor, Y. Zhao, P.-D. Pautet, M.J. Nicolls, R.L. Collins, J. Baker-Tvedtness, C.D. Burton, B. Thurairajah, J. Reimuller, R.H. Varney, C.J. Heinselman, and K. Mizutani, Coordinated optical and radar image measurements of noctilucent clouds and polar mesospheric summer echoes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 71, 675-687,10.1016/j.jastp.2008.12.005,   2009.
  34. P. W. Webley, D. E. Atkinson, R. L. Collins, K. Dean, J. Fochesatto, K. Sassen, C. F. Cahill, A. Prata, C.J. Flynn, K. Mizutani, Predicting and validating the tracking of a volcanic ash cloud during the 2006 eruption of Mt. Augustine Volcano, Alaska, USA, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, 1647—1658,,  2008.
  35. L. Su, R. L., Collins, D. A. Krueger, and C. —Y. She, Statistical analysis of Doppler wind-temperature lidar measurements of vertical heat flux, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25, 401-413, doi:10.1175/2007JTECHA915.1,  2008.
  36. J. Fochesatto, R. L. Collins, K. Sassen, H. Quantz, K. Ganapuram, Eye safe polarization diversity lidar for aerosol studies: Concept design and preliminary applications, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 18, 713-726, doi:10.1142/S0129156408005680, 2008.
  37. R. J. Sica, M. R. M. Izawa, K. A. Walker, C. Boone, S. V. Petelina, P. S. Argall, P. Bernath, G. B. Burns, V. Catoire, R. L. Collins, W. H. Daffer, C. De Clercq, Z. Y. Fan, B. J. Firanski, W. J. R. French, P. Gerard, M. Gerding, J. Granville, J. L. Innis, P. Keckhut, T. Kerzenmacher, A. R. Klekociuk, E. Kyrö, J. C. Lambert, E. J. Llewellyn, G. L. Manney, I. S. McDermid, K. Mizutani, Y. Murayama, C. Piccolo, P. Raspollini, M. Ridolfi, C. Robert, W. Steinbrecht, K. B. Strawbridge, K. Strong, R. Stübi, and B. Thurairajah, Validation of the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) version 2.2 temperature using ground-based and space-borne measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 35-62, doi:10.5194/acp-8-35-2008, 2008
  38. J. Xu, A. K. Smith, R. L. Collins, and C.-Y. She, Signature of an overturning gravity wave in the mesospheric sodium layer: Comparison of a nonlinear photochemical-dynamical model and lidar observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D17301, doi:10.1029/2005JD006749, 2006.
  39. N. Cao, S. Li, T. Fukuchi, T. Fujii, R. L. Collins, Z. Wang Z, Z. Chen, Error analysis for NO2 DIAL measurement in the troposphere, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 85, 141-148,, 2006
  40. N. Cao, S. Li, T. Fukuchi, T. Fujii, R. L. Collins, Z. Wang Z, Z. Chen, Measurement of tropospheric O3, SO2 and aerosol from a volcanic emission event using new multi-wavelength differential-absorption lidar techniques, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 85, 163-167, doi:10.1007/s00340-006-2392-x, 2006.
  41. T. Li, C. Y. She, B. P. Williams, T. Yuan, R. L. Collins, L. M. Kieffaber, and A. W. Peterson, Concurrent OH imager and sodium temperature/wind lidar observation of localized ripples over northern Colorado, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D13110, doi:10.1029/2004JD004885. 2005.
  42. L. J. Gelinas, K. A. Lynch, M. C. Kelley, R. L. Collins, M. Widholm, E. MacDonald, J. Ulwick, and P. Mace, Mesospheric charged dust layer: Implications for neutral chemistry, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, A01310, doi:10.1029/2004JA010503, 2005.
  43. K. A. Lynch, L. J. Gelinas, M. C. Kelley, R. L. Collins, M. Widholm, D. Rau, E. MacDonald, Y. Liu, J. Ulwick, and P. Mace, Multiple sounding rocket observations of charged dust in the polar winter mesosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, A03302, doi:10.1029/2004JA010502, 2005.
  44. C. Y. She, T. Li, R. L. Collins, B. P. Williams, T. Kawahara, J. D. Vance, P. Acott, D. A. Krueger, Tidal perturbations and variability in the mesopause region over Fort Collins, CO (41N, 105W): Continuous multi-day temperature and wind lidar observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L24111, doi:10.1029/2004GL021165, 2004.
  45. R. L. Collins, and R. W. Smith, Evidence of damping and overturning of gravity waves in the Arctic mesosphere: Na lidar and OH temperature observations, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66, 867-879, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2004.01.038, 2004.
  46. S. A. Ferguson, R. L. Collins, J. Rutherford, and M. Fukuda, Vertical distribution of smoke following a wildland biomass fire in boreal Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D23, 4743, doi:10.1029/2002JD003324, 2003
  47. R. L. Collins, M. C. Kelley, M. J. Nicolls, C. Ramos, T. Hou, T. E. Stern, K. Mizutani and T. Itabe, Simultaneous Lidar Observations of a Noctilucent Cloud and an Internal Wave in the Polar Mesosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D8, 8435, doi:10.1029/2002JD002427, 2003.
  48. P. M. Franke and R. L. Collins, Evidence of gravity wave breaking in lidar data from the mesopause, Geophysical Research Letters, 30, 1155-1158, doi:10.1029/2001GL014477,  2003.
  49. E. D. Brown, J. H. Churnside, R. L. Collins, T. Veenstra, J. J. Wilson, K. Abnett, Remote sensing of capelin and other biological features in the North pacific using lidar and video technology, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59, 1120-1130; doi:10.1006/jmsc.2002.1282, 2002.
  50. L. J. Cutler, R. L. Collins, K. Mizutani, and T. Itabe, Rayleigh Lidar Observations of Mesospheric Inversion Layers at Poker Flat, Alaska 65 °N, 147 ° W, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1467-1470, doi:10.1029/2000GL012535,  2001.
  51. A. J. Gerrard, T. J. Kane, J. P. Thayer, C. S. Ruf, and R. L. Collins, Consideration of non-Poisson distributions for lidar applications, Applied Optics, 40, 1488-1492, doi:10.1364/AO.40.001488, 2001.
  52. Y. Murayama, K. Igarashi, D. D. Rice, B. J. Watkins, R. L. Collins, K. Mizutani, Y. Saito, S. Kainuma, Medium Frequency Radars in Japan and Alaska for Upper Atmosphere Observations, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E83-B, 9, 1996-2003, 2000.
  53. K. Mizutani, T. Itabe, M. Yasui, T. Aoki, Y. Murayama, R. L. Collins, Rayleigh and Rayleigh Doppler Lidars for the Observations of the Arctic Middle Atmosphere, IEICE Transactions on Communications, E83-B, 9, 2004-2009, 2000.
  54. R. L. Collins, D. Lummerzheim, and R. W. Smith, Analysis of lidar systems for profiling aurorally-excited molecular species, Applied Optics, 36, 6024-6034, doi:10.1364/AO.36.006024, 1997.
  55. R. L. Collins, D. Thorsen, and S. J. Franke, Comparative MF radar and Na lidar measurements of fluctuating winds in the mesopause region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, D14, 16583-16591, doi:10.1029/97JD00766, 1997.
  56. R. L. Collins, T. J. Hallinan, R. W. Smith and G. Hernandez, Lidar observations of a large high-altitude sporadic Na layer during active aurora, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 3655-3658, doi:10.1029/96GL03337 , 1996.
  57. R. L. Collins, X. Tao, and C. S. Gardner, Gravity Wave Activity in the Upper Mesosphere over Urbana, Illinois: Lidar Observations and Analysis of Gravity Wave Propagation Models, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 58, 1905-1926, doi:10.1016/0021-9169(96)00026-8, 1996.
  58. R. L. Collins and C. S. Gardner, Gravity wave activity in the stratosphere and mesosphere at the South Pole, Reviews of Space Physics, Advances in Space Research, 16, 5, 81-90, doi:10.1016/0273-1177(95)00175-E, 1995.
  59. R. L. Collins, A. Nomura, and C. S. Gardner, Gravity waves in the upper mesosphere over Antarctica: Lidar observations at the South Pole and Syowa, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, D3, 5475-5485, doi:10.1029/93JD03276, 1994.
  60. R. L. Collins, K. P. Bowman, and C. S. Gardner, Polar stratospheric clouds at the South Pole in 1990: lidar observations and analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, D1, 1001-1011, doi:10.1029/92JD02012 ,1993.
  61. R. L. Collins, D. C. Senft, and C. S. Gardner, Observations of a 12 h wave in the mesopause region at the South Pole, Geophysical Research Letters, 19, 57-60, 1992.
  62. R. L. Collins and P. K. Rastogi, Fractal analysis of gravity wave spectra in the middle atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 51, 997-1002, 1989.
  63. T. J. Beatty, R. L. Collins, Chester S. Gardner, C. A. Hostetler, C. F. Sechrist Jr., and C. A. Tepley, Simultaneous radar and lidar observations of sporadic E and Na Layers at Arecibo, Geophysical Research Letters, 16, 1019-1022, 1989.
  64. D. C. Senft, R. L. Collins, and C. S. Gardner, Mid-latitude lidar observations of large sporadic sodium layers, Geophysical Research Letters, 16, 715-718, 1989.

UAF student co-authors are highlighted in bold.

  1. R. L. Collins, J. Li, B. Williams, B. Kaifler, and D. Thorsen, All-Solid State Iron Resonance Lidar for Measurement of Temperature and Winds in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere, Thirtieth International Laser Radar Conference, Big Sky (Virtual), USA, 26 June – 1 July, 2022.
  2. R. L. Collins, L. Su, D. A. Krueger, C.-Y. She, Statistics of Vertical Heat Flux Measurements by Sodium Doppler Wind-Temperature Lidars, Twenty-Fourth International Laser Radar Conference, Boulder, USA, 23-27 June, 820-823, 2008.
  3. B. Thurairajah, R. L. Collins, V. L. Harvey, D.E. Atkinson, K. Mizutani, J. M. Livingston, C. J. Heinselman, M. A. McCready, W. Pan, Analysis of the wave-driven circulation in the Arctic middle atmosphere using Rayleigh lidar observations, Twenty-Fourth International Laser Radar Conference, Boulder, USA, 23-27 June, 777-780, 2008
  4. T. Aoki, K. Mizutani, R. L. Collins, S. Ishii, and J. Fochesatto, Multiwavelength and Depolarization Lidar measurements of Clouds and Aerosols, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the Twenty-Third International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 455-456, 2006.
  5. J. Fochesatto, K. Sassen, R. L. Collins, Differential Polarization Reflectivity at 1.574 μm Eye-Safe Backscatter Lidar, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the Twenty-Third International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 103-106, 2006.
  6. J. Fochesatto, R. Collins, C. Cahill, J. Connor, and J. Yue, Downward Mixing in the Continental Arctic Boundary Layer During a Smoke Episode, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the Twenty-Third International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 817-820, 2006.
  7. Y. Ohtani, K. Mizutani, and R. L. Collins, Raman Lidar measurements of the Water Vapor Profile in Alaska, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the Twenty-Third International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 883-884, 2006.
  8. K. Sakanoi, R. L. Collins, Y. Murayama, and K. Mizutani, Observations of Noctilucent Clouds in the Western Arctic, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the Twenty-Third International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 611-614, 2006.
  9. N. Cao, R. L. Collins, C. F. Cahill, An eye-safe lidar for studies of urban ice fog, Lidar Remote Sensing in Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the twenty-first International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Quebec, Canada, 8-12 July, 253-255, 2002.
  10. R. L. Collins, K. C. Abnett, J. A. Churnside, J. J. Wilson, E. D. Brown, E. O. Rogers and P. K. Simpson, Lidar studies of the marine environment in the Gulf of Alaska, Lidar Remote Sensing in Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the twenty-first International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Quebec, Canada, 8-12 July, 141-144, 2002.
  11. T. Hou, T. E. Stern, J. Breese, M. A. Peshave, R. L. Collins, Experimental analysis of iron Boltzmann technique for lidar studies of the middle atmosphere, Lidar Remote Sensing in Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, Reviewed and revised papers presented at the twenty-first International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Quebec, Canada, 8-12 July, 477-479, 2002.
  12. R. L. Collins and R. W. Smith, Resonance Lidar and Airglow Observations of Wave Activity in the Arctic Mesopause, Nineteenth International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Annapolis, USA, 6-10 July, 351-354, 1998.
  13. R. Woodard, R. L. Collins, R. S. Disselkamp, T. Shibata, and Y. Iwasaka, Circular Depolarization Measurements of Cirrus Clouds, Nineteenth International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Annapolis, USA., 6-10 July, 47-50, 1998.
  14. R. L. Collins, P. Bowman, and C. S. Gardner, Lidar observations of polar stratospheric clouds and stratospheric temperatures at the South Pole, Sixteenth International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Boston, USA, 20-24 July, 1992.






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